
Let's talk about cute babies.

I love babies.  Seriously.  I mean, they're so cute.  At least all of the ones that are around me.  Look at these sweet faces.

 This is baby niece Parker. As a sweet babygirl ladybug.
Obvs, this was Halloween.

 Sneaked in a picture of boyfriend.
Boyfriend with sleepy babygirl Parker.
Her first birthday party wore her out.
Sweet girl was snoring like crazy.

 Cute baby nephew Zayden.
His second birthday party was at Chuck E. Cheese.
I so want kids, but not bad enough to go to Chuck E. Cheese again soon.

 Babygirl Parker so freakin' excited about coloring when she came to visit us in Nola.
Stinkin' cute.

 Babygirl Charlotte!
This is the sweet face with whom I spend the majority of my weekdays.  
How can you not love that face?!

Babygirl Parker, again.
Lovin' her some Nola and beignets!

I want babies real real bad.  I feel like that's what the Lord wants from my life.  He wants me to make babies and raise them to be good, intelligent people who love people and the earth and the Lord.
Doesn't that sound like the best life?!  Boyfriend, get on it!

Oh, and...you're welcome.  Fridays are good enough, but then pictures of sweet baby faces, forget it!  Best. Day. Ever.
Sorry boutcha that you don't have my life!


Allison Drew said...

Oh my gosh. You're just going to be the best mom ever.

Andrea said...

Oh I hope so!