
Gonna wash that oil right outta my hair!

This week's Do-It-Yourself/Scrounge-Up-What-You-Can-Without-Going-To-The-Store-So-You-Don't-Blow-Your-Grocery-Budget comes to you out of my sheer necessity and desperation.  See, I had my hair highlighted this past weekend, so I wouldn't have 4 inches of roots in my upcoming engagement photos.  I am also growing out my hair for my wedding (5 months from today!!).  As a result of these genius ideas, my hair is dry like 007's martini.  Or like the Sahara desert.  You get it.  Anyway, it's dry.  It looked and felt like hay.  Bad news.  Wouldn't make for pretty memories.  I had to find a quick, yet effective solution.

So I, of course, asked the internets.  The internets always knows.  There was a googleplex of various recipes including things I could find in my kitchen.  I could have used (seemingly) any combination of mayonnaise, avocado, honey, eggs, beer, and oils of all sorts.  While all that sounds lovely, and I'm sure they would work, I did not go with any of the recipes I found.  I seriously considered the honey and oil formulations.  But call me maybe lazy, I didn't want to clean all that out of my hair or my bathtub.  And I didn't want to go buy coconut oil.  Well, I did, but I've disallowed myself any extraneous shopping trips.  Budget.

Here's what I did. I have argan (just organic, no fancy name-brand with all sorts of additives and chemicals) and jojoba oils.  I know they are both amazingly moisturizing and nourishing.  I pored equal ratios of the two oils in my sweet little hand and added a few drops each of tea tree, lavender, and eucalyptus essential oils.  I warmed the oils in my hands and massaged the mixture into my hair, ends to roots.  (I have extremely long and incredibly thick hair, so I used two handfuls to coat my hair)  I then spritzed a hair towel wrap with water and microwaved it in 30 second increments until it was toasty warm.  The towel stayed on all night, locking in all that lovely heat and moisturizing ability.  In the morning, I shampooed and conditioned as normal.

The result was amazing!  I now have gorgeous, soft, smooth locks.  Seriously.  I wouldn't lead you astray.  I'm weirdly obsessed with my hair.  And I loved this.  I WILL do this again.

Sorry for the lack of pictures of the actual process or results.  Just trust me that it was awesome.  And I don't want bathroom-mirror-self-pics all over the interwebz.  No one needs that in their life.

I'm joining with Frugally Sustainable, Creating Naturally, and Adorned From Above again this week.  Check out all the other great ideas on each of these, and feel free to give my post some love!

Adorned From Above

1 comment:

Extra dark Jamaican black castor oil said...

This is a really good hair oil, the smell is awesome.